We are specialized in automation of all types of hydroelectric plants, whether new construction or remodeling. We work with different types of turbines, whether Kaplan, Pelton or Francis, with powers from 50 kW up to 20 MW.
We integrate all the field elements present in the hydroelectric power station in one or several PLC's, facilitating a faster and controlled start-up (see SCDi System system). These PLC's are connected by a fiber optic ring at high speed.
There are different levels of supply:
Is the complete system, in which the control system is in charge of all the tasks of regulation of the hydroelectric power station. In this system, Bobitècnic will supply and install a set of electrical panels, with a representative synoptic of the installation on the front, and with the necessary electrical controls for a correct start up of the installation. Along with the synoptic, the installation can be operated with a last generation touch screen also integrated in the frontal of these electrical cabinets. As remote control options, there are three other options. For more information see SCDi System. |
RAK-205 regulation system includes the control of all the elements related to the hydraulic system of control of speed charge of the turbine. It is oriented to installations where another supplier provides control of all the auxiliary elements of the turbine (cooling, lubrication, bilge, etc. groups) and protections of the whole assembly (temperature gauges, generation protections, Flow control, etc.). The RAK-205 control system will control all the elements related to the turbine water supply installed in the plant, in case of pelton turbines, group control, bypass, guard valve, deflectors and injectors. The aim is to provide a global solution of the elements related to the speed-load regulation of the turbine in such a way that a quick start-up of the whole system is achieved. For more information see RAK-205. |
As options to the previous systems, there are avaiable 3 types of remote control:
Below there is a list of some hydroelectric plants automated with this system:
Nueva instalación 2 Kaplan Vert. 5000 kW HIDROMEDIA - Grado (Oviedo)
Rehabilitación 2 Kaplan Vert. 2000 kWISLALUZ - Valladolid (Valladolid)
Nueva instalación 2 Kaplan Vert. 3000 kW Talavera de la Reina (Toledo)
Rehabilitación 1 Francis C.C. 5500 kWSALTO LA BREñA, S.A. - Almodobar del Rio (Cordoba)
Nueva instalación 2 Francis C.C. 2235 kWHIDROCARDENER - Emb. Sant Ponç (Lérida)
Rehabilitación 2 Francis C.C. 5000 kWSALTO DE YEGUAS - Marmolejo (Jaén)
C.H. San Andrés Nueva instalación 2 Francis Vert. - San Andrés (Panama)
Potencia:3000 kW Los Angeles (Chile)
2 grupos 19MW 6 Bombas 8MW 2 Bombas 2MW
Nueva instalación Pelton 1 inyector 3000 KW
Nueva instalación 2 kaplan verticales 2200 KW
Nueva instalación Francis horizontal c. cerrada 90 KW Graus (Huesca)
Nueva instalación 1 Francis Horizontal C. Cerrada 2709 kW 1 Francis Horizontal C. Cerrada 2236 kW Pont de Bar (Lerida)
Pol. Ind. Illa Sud
C/Tomàs Viladomiu nº13
08650 Sallent (Barcelona)
Tel +34 93 820 61 20
Email: mail@bobitecnic.com
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Inscribed in the Mercantile Register of Barcelona
Volume 22464, Sheet number B37477, Inscription 3.ª, N.I.F.:B58.607.227