
Quality Management
Due to the requirement of quality in all its processes, Bobitecnic has integrated a Quality Management System according to the UNE-EN-ISO 9001:2008, for the design, instalation and assembly of electrical cabinets, Low and Hight Voltage electrical instalations and Electrical Maintenance, issued by BUREAU VERITAS the 14th of April 2014.

Integrated Quality Policy

- Bobitecnic's integrated quality polic


Contact Details

Pol. Ind. Illa Sud
C/Tomàs Viladomiu nº13
08650 Sallent (Barcelona)

Tel +34 93 820 61 20
Email: mail@bobitecnic.com
We are on Google Maps

Inscribed in the Mercantile Register of Barcelona
Volume 22464, Sheet number B37477, Inscription 3.ª, N.I.F.:B58.607.227

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