Electrical Cabinets Development Engineering

We develop and install electrical cabinets made to measure for each client adapted to their needs. We manufacture electrical panels of the following types:

· Distribution boards.

· Power boards up to 630A.

· Double insulation boards.

· Control panels.

· Control and power boards.

· Distribution lines and others.


Detalles contacto

Pol. Ind. Illa Sud
C/Tomàs Viladomiu nº13
08650 Sallent (Barcelona)

Tel +34 93 820 61 20
Email: mail@bobitecnic.com
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Inscrita en el Registro Mercantil de Barcelona
Tomo 22464, Hoja núm. B37477, Inscripción 3.ª, N.I.F.:B58.607.227

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