We have the capacity to automate composting plants, being able to automate from the automatic loading by means of worm screws of the different channels, to the transfer maneuver of transfers and the operation of the different turners inside the channels.
All the aeration of the installation can be managed automatically, as well as the deodorization of this before releasing the air of the forced ducts.
All monitored by touch screens in the main control boxes, or by scada remotely.
Referencias FANGOS
Pol. Ind. Illa Sud
C/Tomàs Viladomiu nº13
08650 Sallent (Barcelona)
Tel +34 93 820 61 20
Email: mail@bobitecnic.com
Estamos en Google Maps
Inscrita en el Registro Mercantil de Barcelona
Tomo 22464, Hoja núm. B37477, Inscripción 3.ª, N.I.F.:B58.607.227