Melo, Caliboro and Sta Isabel (Chile)

  • Hits: 14412
Bobitécnic has been involved in the electrical part of a big project developed in Chile. The infrastructures projected are the Hydroelectric Power Plants of Caliboro, Melo and Santa Isabel.

The Hydroelectric Power Plants of Caliboro and of Melo are located in the Commune of Quilleco. These are hydroelectric plants with an installed capacity of 1.3 MW and 2.8 MW respectively. Both have hydraulic circuit that consists of intake, loading chamber, discharge channel, forced pipe, Turbine and restitution channel. The Santa Isabel Hydroelectric Power Plant is located in Los Angeles with a hydroelectric power plant with an installed capacity of 1.4 MW with the same characteristics as the other two.

Bobitécnic S.L. has designed, build, supplied and installed the electrical panels with the necessary components for the regulation and automation of the three hydroelectric power plants of Caliboro, Melo and Sta. Isabel. Below can be seen the electrical cabinets for the Sta. Isabel power plant:

sta.isabel1 sta.isabel2 sta.isabel3
Below, also can be seen the tactile screen and some screen captures part of the Scada system designed, programmed and developed by Bobitecnic and that controls the whole Power plant, from the very same power plant, the company facilities or remotely from a cell phone:

sta.isabel4 caliboro.scada1


All the Scada system together with the electrical installations that controls the three power plants,has been commisioned and started up by Bobitecnic:

sta isabel 2 sta isabel 4



Contact Details

Pol. Ind. Illa Sud
C/Tomàs Viladomiu nº13
08650 Sallent (Barcelona)

Tel +34 93 820 61 20
We are on Google Maps

Inscribed in the Mercantile Register of Barcelona
Volume 22464, Sheet number B37477, Inscription 3.ª, N.I.F.:B58.607.227

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